
Website operator / address

8105 Regensdorf
Phone +41 43 931 00 45

The information on this website has been compiled with due care. They are updated periodically. However, the operator of the website cannot assume any liability or guarantee for the topicality, correctness and completeness of the information.
All rights to the content on the operator’s website are reserved. Links from the website refer to other websites that are created and maintained by third parties. The operator is not responsible for the information contained therein and assumes no liability for its accuracy, completeness or timeliness. The rights to use them are subject to the restrictions and requirements of the respective website operators. The use of the information on such website or the service offered therein is at your own risk.
Please be aware of the usual security risks when transmitting data and e-mails over the Internet. The operator can not be held liable for any damage caused as a result of misuse of personal data. It is not allowed to deliver advertisements or other unsolicited mails to the e-mail addresses published in this website without permission. The operator of this website expressly reserves the right to take legal action in the event of unsolicited e-mails (SPAM) being sent.

All rights reserved by the respective photographers.

The adoption & use of the texts, representations and data requires the consent of ETRIX AG.

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